Received: 24 June 2020
Accepted: 17 January 2021
Abstract: The present research "Analysis of the implementation of measures for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit, 2020", had the general objective of determining the impact of the implementation of measures for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit, 2020. The method was descriptive, with a qualitative approach; non-experimental design based on grounded theory; the population is the personnel of this public entity. The technique of bibliographic and documentary review of primary sources was used. The following conclusions were reached: a) The measures implemented in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit regularly favored the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work. b) The virtualization of most administrative procedures contributes to the optimization of the surveillance, prevention and control measures of COVID-19 in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit and c) The risk of COVID-19 infection in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit is maintained as long as there are personnel working in the workplace.
Keywords: Educational management, surveillance measures, prevention, control.
Resumen: La presente de investigación "Análisis de la implementación de medidas para la vigilancia, prevención y control de COVID-19 en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ventanilla, 2020", tuvo como objetivo general determinar el impacto de la implementación de medidas para la vigilancia, prevención y control de COVID-19 en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ventanilla, 2020. El método fue de tipo descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo; de diseño no experimental basado en la teoría fundamentada; la población es el personal de dicha entidad pública. Se utilizó la técnica de revisión bibliográfica y documental de fuentes primarias. Se obtuvo las siguientes conclusiones: a) Las medidas que se implementaron en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ventanilla favorecieron de manera regular a la vigilancia, prevención y control de COVID-19 en el trabajo. b) La virtualización de la mayoría de trámites administrativos contribuye a la optimización de las medidas de vigilancia, prevención y control de COVID-19 en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ventanilla y c) El riesgo de contagio por COVID-19 en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ventanilla se mantiene mientras haya personal que realice trabajo presencial.
Palabras clave: Gestión Educativa, medidas de vigilancia, prevención, control.
In November 2020, the previous regulatory provision was repealed and the second version of the technical document called "Guidelines for health surveillance of workers at risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2" was approved due to scientific progress and information provided by the Directorate for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable, Rare and Orphan Diseases. The duty of prevention of employers, the role of supervision and control of the State and the participation of workers and their trade union organizations, who, through social dialogue, ensure the promotion, dissemination and enforcement of regulations on the subject", and its guiding principles are prevention, responsibility, cooperation, information and training, comprehensive management, comprehensive health care, consultation and participation, primacy of reality, and protection. Its Regulations are approved by means of and subsequently modified on several occasions.
Occupational Safety and Health is defined as the process that includes activities aimed at promoting the prevention of risks to civil servants in the performance of their work that may affect their health or integrity, as well as the protection of the entity's assets and the environment. Expected products: Occupational health and safety plan and programs, OSH training plan, Occupational health and safety incident record, OSH diagnosis (Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation - IPER), among others.
Therefore, it is clear that "OSH is a process that is part of the Human and Social Relations Management System that makes up the Administrative System of Human Resources Management in public entities", so that the Human Resources Office, or the one that takes its place in the entity, is the office in charge of its management and compliance with the provisions.
It envisages the employer's duty to communicate to its workers in an adequate and effective manner, the necessary information and knowledge in relation to the risks in the workplace and in the specific position or function, as well as the protection and prevention measures applicable to such risks. The employer also has the duty to provide its workers with the appropriate personal protective equipment, according to the type of work and specific risks present in the performance of their duties, when the occupational risks or their harmful effects on health cannot be eliminated at their source, it verifies the effective use of the same.
In this context, and according to its budget availability, the Local Educational Management Unit of Ventanilla has implemented preventive measures and actions to preserve people's health and continue providing services to citizens through the virtualization of some administrative procedures. To date, priority has been given to mixed work for the development of the entity's own activities as planned. Plúas, points out that "occupational health and industrial safety form an inseparable binomial that guarantees the minimization of occupational risks and the prevention of accidents at work". who describes the difference between the two indicating that "Industrial safety concentrates on unsafe acts and conditions, while occupational health concentrates on health risks, and as a logical consequence, industrial safety studies accidents and occupational risks with a preventive and investigative approach, while occupational health studies occupational diseases based on early diagnosis and pertinent treatment. Likewise, occupational health encompasses industrial hygiene, occupational medicine and occupational mental health; while industrial safety encompasses ergonomics and environmental analysis." (2020, p. 34).
For his part, Anaya-Velasco, (2017) indicates that "The health and safety of people are fundamental to achieve a full life, a better work performance and the development of potentialities in different aspects and areas of their lives. For this reason, and in order to protect them, there are international conventions and national legal frameworks that recover scientific and technological advances in health, safety and hygiene at work, environmental care and civil protection".
According to Benavides et al. "Surveys on working conditions, employment and health have been consolidating as an effective tool for an adequate monitoring of workers' health". ( 2016 p. 4).
In addition to the above, Arias et al. states that "Industrial safety is one of the multidisciplinary areas with the most tools, techniques and models to intervene in human actions or behaviors in the face of risk, and for this purpose it strategically uses training, coaching and permanent learning from experiences as a basis". , (2019 p. 4).
Materials and methods
The research proposal was to determine the impact of the implementation of measures for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 in the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit, using the technique of bibliographic and documentary review of primary sources with a descriptive qualitative approach with a research design based on grounded theory.
According to (Persigo et al., 2020) the process of documentary research arises from the collection of information and data through reading, giving an important meaning to the research source bibliography. In other words, documentary research is part of scientific research and allows developing skills and attitudes in the researcher that are required for the selection and collection of information such as inquiring, analyzing, interpreting and reflecting on the theoretical and empirical realities, data and information obtained regarding a given topic.
This research was conducted under a descriptive qualitative approach, taking into account that in these studies the purpose of the research is to describe how certain phenomena or situations are manifested, thus submitting to analysis various aspects, dimensions or components of the phenomenon to be investigated. In this regard, several authors have spoken out and they were not the exception because they stated that in a descriptive study it is necessary to select a series of questions that will be independent objects of analysis for the description of what is being investigated.
Thus, grounded theory is considered a qualitative research design that allows the researcher to inquire into the unknown to provide knowledge about a specific phenomenon, but its importance lies in the fact that it is advisable to use this research design when there is little knowledge about the phenomenon to be investigated.
It should also be pointed out that narrative or qualitative scientific review articles are classified according to the nature of the review, which can be exhaustive, descriptive and evolutionary. This scientific article is a descriptive review because, according to what is stated by "it provides the reader with an update on useful concepts in areas in constant evolution because it is very useful in different fields of education and of interest to people with related knowledge" (Merino-trujillo, 2013 p. 32). The same author also specifies that "The review article is considered as a detailed, selective and critical study that examines the published literature and places it in a certain perspective", furthermore that "it is not an original publication and its purpose is to conduct research on a given topic, in which the relevant and necessary information concerning the research problem to be addressed is gathered, analyzed and discussed". (Merino-trujillo, 2013 p. 35).
That, according to the investigation that was conducted, documentation was found that accredits the following: The Personnel Office of the entity was in charge of preparing the "Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work of the UGEL VENTANILLA, 2020", approved by the Committee for Safety and Health at Work (CSST) and officialized with Directorial Resolution N°3007 dated 08.09.2020, the same that includes the actions to ensure compliance with the seven (07) guidelines mandatorily applied within the framework of the (Ministerial Resolution No. 448-2020-MINSA, 2020). . That, having seen the "Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of covid-19 in the workplace of the UGEL VENTANILLA, 2020" it can be said that it establishes the guidelines for the surveillance, prevention and control of the health of servers or officials of the administrative headquarters and administrative staff of the educational institutions of the UGEL Ventanilla.
That, the "Protocol for the resumption of face-to-face activities of the administrative personnel of the public educational institutions of the UGEL Ventanilla, 2020" establishes an action protocol for the gradual and safe resumption of face-to-face activities of the administrative servants of the public educational institutions of the jurisdiction of the UGEL VENTANILLA 2020, in the context of risk in the face of COVID-19.
In addition, it was found that with Directorial Resolution No. 2286 dated 04.13.2020, ten (10) Education Specialists and (20) Coordinating Teachers of PRONOEI of the UGEL Ventanilla, were authorized to provide through remote work the subordinate non-presential educational service during the state of national emergency or the period provided by the Ministry of Education within the framework of the regulations in force, which will be developed in accordance with the RVM. N° 088-2020-MINEDU.
That, by Directorial Resolution No. 2342 dated 05.13.2020, the entity granted leave for the duration of the sanitary emergency contemplated in DS 008-2020-SA or the period provided by the National Civil Service Authority under the current regulations, with enjoyment of remuneration subject to subsequent compensation, to fifteen (15) public servants appointed and hired under the labor regime of Legislative Decree No. 276 of the Administrative Headquarters UGEL Ventanilla, since by the nature of their functions it is not possible the development of remote work. That, with Directorial Resolution No. 2343 dated 05.13.2020, the entity granted leave for the duration of the sanitary emergency contemplated in DS 008-2020-SA or the period provided by the National Civil Service Authority under the current regulations, with enjoyment of remunerations subject to subsequent compensation, to eight (08) servers hired under the special regime of Administrative Contracting of Services - CAS, of the Administrative Headquarters UGEL Ventanilla for the budget year 2020, since due to the nature of their functions it is not possible the development of remote work.
That, with Directorial Resolution No. 2345 dated 05.13.2020, thirteen (13) public servants appointed and hired under the Labor regime of Legislative Decree No. 276, of the administrative headquarters UGEL Ventanilla, were authorized to provide services through remote non-presential work from home or place of domiciliary isolation, during the state of national emergency or the period provided by the National Authority of the Civil Service.
That, with Directorial Resolution No. 2346 dated 05.13.2020, twenty-six (26) public servants hired under the special regime of Administrative Contracting of Services - CAS, of the administrative headquarters UGEL Ventanilla, were authorized to provide services through remote non face-to-face work from home or place of domiciliary isolation, during the state of national emergency or the period provided by the National Authority of the Civil Service.
The Personnel Office sent to all area chiefs and office managers the document entitled "Complementary guidelines for remote work in UGEL Ventanilla, in the framework of the COVID-19 emergency", to be disseminated among the employees of each office in order to comply with the regulations in force.
Through the heads or persons in charge of each area or office, it carried out the process of identifying the employees who, due to the nature of their functions, should perform remote work as of March 16, 2020 and from their domicile or place of social isolation, while the State of National Emergency lasts, as established in num 18.1.13 of art. 18° of DU. N°026-2020.
By Multiple Oficio Multiple Nº062-2020-DIR-ADM-EPER-UGEL VENTANILLA dated 30.04.2020, the UGEL Ventanilla informed the directors of the jurisdiction that they should communicate to the administrative workers (appointed and contracted) under their charge about the modification of the place and form of service provision in the framework of what is established by the DU. No. 026-2020, in order to implement remote work from their home or place of home isolation, for which they should use the means that allow to record the individual communication through any physical support (written document) or digital (institutional email, instant messaging applications, social networks or other similar). Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of num. 5.5 of art. 5° of DS. N°010-2020-TR, the entity instructed them to assign activities by products and deadlines that would allow them to account for the actual work performed, as well as to indicate the means by which follow-up, supervision or monitoring of the work would be carried out.
That, by means of Memorandum N° 460-2020/J.AGI/UGEL VENTANILLA dated 01.06.2020, the Institutional Management Area transferred to the Administration Area Report N°181-2020/UGEL-VENTANILLA/AGI/INFRA dated 05.29.2020, with which it proposed the gauges and distributions of the personnel of the UGEL Ventanilla post-forty headquarters.
Subsequently, and considering the need to restart face-to-face work at the administrative headquarters in order to expedite the pending procedures resulting from the COVID -19 emergency and giving priority to remote work for that server who is part of the so-called risk group by age and clinical factors, the UGEL Ventanilla disposed with Directorial Resolution No. 3423 dated 30.10.2020, to approve the "Directive that regulates the implementation of mixed modalities of service provision in the local educational management unit ventanilla in the framework of the national health emergency", which establishes the guidelines for the implementation of mixed modalities of service provision in the entity, in the framework of the exceptional temporary measures on Human Resources Management in the Public Sector in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, in order to ensure the gradual return of servers to provide services in the workplace.
Likewise, with Directorial Resolution No. 3582 dated 11.11.2020, the entity terminated the compensable leave granted by RD. N° 2342 and RD. N° 2343 dated 05.13.2020, in application of art. 10 of Supreme Decree N° 116-2020-PCM and lit. a) of num. 2.1 of art. 2° of Legislative Decree N° 1505, as of the day following the issuance of the resolution, to six (06) employees of the administrative headquarters of UGEL Ventanilla appointed and hired under the labor regime of DL N° 276 and DL. No. 1057 to start working in the on-site work modality.
That, with Directorial Resolution N° 3583 dated 11.11.2020, authorized the variation of the modality of remote work authorized by RD. N° 2345 and RD. N° 2346 dated 05.13.2020, to the mixed work modality, in application of art. 10° of Supreme Decree N° 116-2020-PCM and lit. a) of num. 2.1 of art. 2° of Legislative Decree N°1505, as of the day following the issuance of the resolution, to thirty-one (31) servers of the administrative headquarters UGEL Ventanilla.
And, by means of Multiple Oficio Multiple Nº0227-2020-DIR-ADM-EPER-UGELVENTANILLA dated 30.12.2020, the UGEL Ventanilla communicated to the directors of the jurisdiction that the return to face-to-face work of the administrative personnel of the II.EE, under the labor regime of Legislative Decree No. 276 and with current employment relationship, to provide maintenance and ensure the safety of the workplace; except for those servers who are part of the so-called risk group by age and cynical factors, who must continue in mandatory social isolation, so for such purposes they should consider the importance of the necessary measures to avoid crowds, enforce social distancing, set a schedule of entry and exit of staff
During the investigation, the general objective was achieved, according to the literature review carried out and its contrast with the analysis of books, articles and scientific journals, theses, and legal provisions in force at the national level that were enacted within the framework of the health emergency due to COVID-19, it was found that the Personnel Office of the Ventanilla Local Educational Management Unit prepared the Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work, taking into account provisions contained in Ministerial Resolution No. 448-2020-MINSA, Legislative Decree No. 1505 and Law No. 29783, which was approved by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee; However, it must be updated and framed within the scope provided by Ministerial Resolution No. 972-2020-MINSA and duly registered through the Integrated Information System for COVID-19.
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