
Impact of pre-starting on competitive results in futsal practice, senior category (Original).
Repercusión del pre arranque en los resultados competitivos en la práctica de futsal, categoría absoluta (Original).
Olimpia, vol. 19, no. 1, 2022
Universidad de Granma

Artículos científicos

Universidad de Granma, Cuba
ISSN-e: 1718-9088
Periodicity: Frecuencia continua
vol. 19, no. 1, 2022

Received: 15 November 2021

Accepted: 19 February 2022

Universidad de Granma. Cuba

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Abstract: The emotional states of the personality that occur before, during and after sports competitions, in particular the so-called pre-start states, constitute a topic of particular interest, both for the professionals in charge of training, as well as for the players themselves and even for those around them. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the incidence of pre-starting states in the sports results of futsal players of the training club "Sembrando Campeones" of the Montecristi. As part of the instruments for data collection, the study of bibliographic sources, the scientific techniques of observation and the survey were used. The results obtained show that it is necessary to go deeper into this subject. As a conclusive aspect of the study, the need for the establishment of a psychological preparation plan by the sports coach stands out, which facilitates the control, evaluation and monitoring of the pre-starting states of the practitioners, leading to better preparation and competition results.

Keywords: emotional states, personality, pre start states, emotional pressure.

Resumen: Los estados emocionales de la personalidad que ocurren antes, durante y después de las competiciones deportivas, en particular los denominados estados de pre arranque; constituyen un tema de particular interés, tanto para los profesionales encargados del entrenamiento, como para los propios practicantes y, hasta para quienes les rodean. En el presente estudio tiene como objetivo: valorar la incidencia de los estados de pre arranque en los resultados deportivos de los practicantes de futsal, del club formativo "Sembrando Buenos Campeones" del cantón Montecristi.Como parte del instrumental para la recolección de datos, se emplea el estudio de fuentes bibliográficas, las técnicas científicas de observación y la encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos denotan que se requiere profundizar en esta temática. Como aspecto conclusivo del estudio sobresale la necesidad del establecimiento de un plan de preparación psicológica por parte del entrenador deportivo, que facilite el control, evaluación y seguimiento a los estados de pre arranque de los practicantes, conducente a mejores resultados de preparación y competición.

Palabras clave: estados emocionales, personalidad, estados de pre arranque, presión emocional.


The state of pre-start in sport constitutes one of the forms of expression of the affective sphere of the personality, as a consequence of the preparation and confrontation of the athlete, to dissimilar physical and mental stimuli, which appear before, during or after the competitive action. In this sense, the quality of the preparation, the level of the opponents, individual and group competitive objectives, personal and social commitments, as well as the demands imposed by teammates, coaches, managers and others in charge, are shown as anxiogenic agents and stressors of the emotional states of the athletes, whose successful confrontation presupposes a certain level of general and specific psychological preparation, during the entire macro structure of sports preparation. Eberspächer ,(1995); Carbadillo, (2011) Dosal, (2019); Fernández, (2019), on the relationship between sports performance and psychological behavior before competition, especially mood and competitive anxiety, has been a transcendental research in Sport Psychology.

There are several authors who delve into this topic, however Balda, (2018), is one of those who has systematized the relationship between performances and scores in psychological measures before competition, especially mood and competitive anxiety, have been the focus of an extensive and continuous research effort in Sport Psychology.

In accordance with the above, the study of sport psychology is becoming increasingly important. In addition, there are several sports in the Ecuadorian competitive system that has included a psychologist as part of the technical management team.

One of the team sports in which psychological behavior and decision making are not always accurate, as a result of emotional instability and unfavorable manifestations of pre-start by the participants is futsala, considered as a variant of soccer, which is played at amateur, semi-professional and professional level in many parts of the world.

That is why it requires a look from the sports psychology, as currently some considerations of authors are evidenced as somehow affect the performance of athletes as defined by these authors, Balda, (2018); Acebes, (2019); dos Santos, (2019), which indicate that anxiety affects the attention indirectly, as a high level of stress or anxiety generates a high degree of activation, which interferes with the concentration of attention of individuals, affecting the performance in a competition.

It has been proven that the state of pre-start anxiety or certain stress is very detrimental to performance because it has negative effects on attention, concentration, thought control, motivation and reduces the athlete's self-confidence. It is for this reason that in the present researches the classification of pre-starting proposed by Puni (1969); González (2007); Garcia (2010); is assumed, which includes the following:

- Combative disposition.

The athlete is aware of the importance and difficulty of the competition, as well as of the implicit responsibility. They have positive emotions of power and well-being, leading the athlete to give their all to achieve victory, improving their sharpness of thought, reasoning, observation capacity, increasing their concentration and attention, increasing the ability to discriminate their efforts during the warm-up, increasing the desire to fight to the end.

Physiologically they have a high work capacity reflected in the indicators of the following systems:

(a) Cardiovascular

b) Respiratory

c) Digestive, among others.

They present an optimal muscular tone with good motor qualities. They are projected with great willingness to perform maximum physical efforts; psychic processes, movements and reactions quickly, remembering in detail the technical-tactical plan described by the coach. This state is the ideal for any athlete, it must be preserved.

- Pre-start fever

The athlete is aware of the importance and complexity of the competition and the implicit responsibility. But he presents an excess of motivation before the competition and his good performance, leading him to feel unstable emotions that form quickly one to another, repressing him and disorganizing his preparation. His thoughts become confused, jumping from one thing to another. He ends up distracted, confused and with cognitive incoherence. Fixating on unnecessary details, not concentrating on the performance of the activity. Not listening to the instructor or not perceiving the instructions correctly.

Physiologically, the athlete indicates a cortical excitation-inhibition imbalance in favor of excitation. He/she will present:

(a) Tachycardia (increased heart rate).

b) Tachypnea (increased respiratory rate)

c) Tremors

d) Diaphoresis (sweating)

e) Hypothermia of hands and feet (low temperature in these anatomical areas)

f) Dehydration of the oral mucosa (dryness of the mouth)

g) Dyspepsia (difficult digestion),

h) Sphincter relaxation (desire to go to the bathroom),

i) Dermal vasoconstriction (skin paleness),

j) Sleep disturbances.

- Apathy

Athletes experience slow movements, sluggishness, drowsiness and yawning. They experience states of fear, discouragement, fatigue, desire to give up, inability to activate, if they have to fight they do so without energy, volitional activity declines rapidly, the athlete is unable to mobilize their forces, very low level of energy.

On the other hand, the athlete experiences his sense of responsibility and importance towards the task, with indifference, insecurity and depression. Attention is lost and reasoning is slow. Delays in perceiving and making decisions. Low functional state of the nervous system. Diminished aspiration to strive for victory.

The athlete should be helped by reviewing his reasons for participating in the competition. Psychological intervention in a cognitive-behavioral way that raises commitment and combativeness.

Recitative breathing technique. With the execution of a strong warm-up with numerous explosive exercises.

- Self-complacency

Athletes underestimate the next opponent and competition; overestimate their own strength as well as that of their team. The athlete feels pleasant emotions, passive pleasure, and self-confidence and anticipates an easy victory, with a calm and passive attitude to the upcoming difficulties. The athlete does not make an effort, decreased attention and delayed perception, thinking and choice of solutions are observed. Vigilance is reduced during the fight. The mobilizing capacity and efficiency decrease.

To help the athlete to get out of this state it is recommended:

(a) Psychological intervention to adapt the self-evaluation of the opponent.

b) Adaptation of objectives and goals

c) Application of shock technique

That is why it is proposed that the study on the repercussion of pre-start in the sports results in the practice of futsal, absolute category, is important to identify the manifestations caused to the athlete by the transit through this state, which has repercussions on the complementary results.

All this justifies the need to continue deepening in this thematic and for this a factopercetual diagnosis is made to a group of athletes and futsal coaches of the Sembrando Campeones training club, where methods such as the survey, interviews and observation to a group of training sessions and competitions were applied, all this allows to identify limitations oriented towards the poor knowledge of the coaches of the main manifestations of the pre-start of their athletes, in some athletes it was evidenced limitations in the juice in the initial elements.

From this perspective, the need to solve the identified limitations is highlighted and for this purpose the following is proposed as the objective of the present research: to assess the incidence of pre-starting states in the sports results of futsala players of the training club "Sembrando Buenos Campeones" (Sowing Good Champions).

Population and sample

The present research was carried out with 20 futsala players of the Sembrando Buenos Campeones training club of the Montecristi, which is equivalent to 100% of the population. They have more than 5 years of experience in the practice of futsala. All of them have participated in at least three competitions at different levels in the province of Manabí, Ecuador.

All athletes gave their consent to participate in the study and received all the information required by the research team. Therefore, it complies with the Helsinki Declaration for research with human beings.

Research techniques and instruments

The present research is descriptive, transversal and non-experimental, which is in accordance with Estevez (2004). He assures that these investigations analyze the phenomena as they originate in social practice.

For the present work, the inductive-deductive method was used in order to know the causes for the low performance of the players, and based on that, to be able to propose recommendations for improvement.

The tools of observation and survey were used to collect data and make a statistical analysis to determine the pre-starting states of each athlete.

In this case, surveys were used in order to know the origins of this problem. In order to do this, it was necessary to create a questionnaire of 7 closed questions, which will address the issue and allow for a more accurate processing of information.

In the observation of the athletes, it was possible to perceive the performance of the players in training and in the competition itself.

Within the mathematical statistical methods, descriptive statistics were used. Particularly the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies, which allowed a better understanding in the management and treatment of the data.

Analysis of the results

This section presents the results obtained in the research. For which the analysis is made for each of the questions of the survey applied to the athletes.

Question 1 what symptoms have you had before facing an important futsal match?

Table 1

Source: elaborated by: Author, 2021.

Table 1 shows that among the main symptoms felt by athletes before a competition are anxiety, tension, nerves and expectations, with a very low percentage being calmness and relaxation. This shows that the players feel uneasy and tense before a match, more than anything else because of the expectations in their performance. Aspects that require an integrated work between coach and psychologist.

Question 2: How is your performance in front of the matches you have to play?

Table 2
Performance in front of the matches

Source: elaborated by: Author, 2021.

In Table 2, it can be observed that most of the players define their performance as high, followed by 30% with a characteristic of medium and one person defined it as low. This shows that the players, for the most part, have a good impression of their performance on the courts.

Question 3 Do you think that anxiety and stress influence sports performance?

Table 3
Influence of Anxiety and Stress on Performance

Source: elaborated by: Author, 2021.

In Table 3, it can be observed that 65% of the players indicated that stress and anxiety do have an influence on their performance in the match, while 35% mentioned that they do not. This shows that the players, before entering the competition, feel pressure for their performance, especially if it could be bad.

Question 4 How many days before an important competition do you usually feel pressure or get nervous?

Table 4
Pressure or nerves before a competition

Source: elaborated by: Author, 2021.

In Table 4, it can be observed that 53% of the players feel pressure on the same day of the competition, followed by 21% indicating that they feel tension 16% and finally, 10% with a tension of more than three days. This shows that the players feel tension when the experience is about to begin, while the rest remain serene.

Question 5. After the competition, do you think you could have given more?

Table 5
Self-criticism after the match

In Table 5, it can be observed that 75% of the players feel pressure at the moment before the competition, while 25% do not. This shows that, as in the previous question, players feel tension when the experience is about to begin, while the rest remain calm.

Question 6 Does your coach think he/she could have given more in the competition?

Table 6
Coach's perspective on the competition

Source: elaborated by: Author, 2021.

In Table 6, it can be observed that 50% of the players feel that the coach expected more from them in the competition, while 50% did not. This shows that, as in the previous questions, the players feel pressure not only from them, but also from the coach, which can harm their performance during the match.

Question 7 Do you usually feel satisfied after a competition?

Table 7
Satisfaction after the competition

Table 7 shows that 80% of the players feel satisfaction after the competition, while 20% do not. This shows that the players in general feel pressure only before the game, but after it, the accumulated tension disappears.

The critical reflection of the results obtained from the research; make evident the need to continue deepening in the thematic. Even in the team investigated, pressure or nerves were revealed before a competition; anxiety and stress in the performance and expectations for the match. This, as can be seen, has negative repercussions for competitive results. Therefore, studies are required to continue with the investigation and transformation of this topic.


The theoretical-methodological treatment to the repercussion of the pre-start in the competitive results in futsal practice, it is evidenced that there are limitations directed towards the knowledge of the coaches about the main manifestations of the pre-start presented by their athletes.

The application of diverse research methods allowed evaluating the incidence of pre-starting states in the sports results of futsal players, of the training club "Sembrando Buenos Campeones", Ecuador.

The results obtained from the research revealed that it is necessary to continue deepening in scientific research from this point of view in order to achieve the transformation required by this subject in order to contribute to obtaining competitive results.

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