P. Completa
Circuit Theory Analysis of Acoustically Coupled Rooms

Circuit Theory Analysis of Acoustically Coupled Rooms
Revista Elektron, vol. 3, núm. 1, 2019
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Resumen: Se propone un enfoque circuital basado en flujos de energía para el análisis de espacios acústicamente acoplados. En el mismo se establece una analogía similar a la que se utiliza en el estudio de sistemas térmicos dinámicos en el cual la potencia acústica es análoga a la corriente eléctrica y la densidad de energía acústica es análoga a la tensión. Los volú­menes son equivalentes a capacitores y la absorción sonora es asimilable a una resistencia. A partir de estas analogías se pue­den plantear ecuaciones diferenciales y modelos en transfor­mada de Laplace y obtener tanto soluciones estacionarias o de régimen permanente como transitorias.

Abstract: A circuit theory approach is presented for the analysis of acoustically coupled spaces. It is based on energy flow and balance with a similar analogy to the one used for solving dynamic thermal systems, where acoustic power is analog to electric current and acoustic energy density is analog to voltage. Room volume is equivalent to capacitor and sound absorption is equivalent to a resistor. From these analogies and Laplace-transformed models it is possible to get stationary or transient response solutions.

Carátula del artículo

Acústica y Audio

Circuit Theory Analysis of Acoustically Coupled Rooms

Revista Elektron, vol. 3, núm. 1, 2019
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Circuit Theory Analysis of Acoustically Coupled Rooms

A circuit theory approach is presented for the analysis of acoustically coupled spaces. It is based on energy flow and balance with a similar analogy to the one used for solving dynamic thermal systems, where acoustic power is analog to electric current and acoustic energy density is analog to voltage. Room volume is equivalent to capacitor and sound absorption is equivalent to a resistor. From these analogies and Laplace-transformed models it is possible to get stationary or transient response solutions.

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